Pressure Ulcer Assessment and Risks
Pressure Ulcer Assessment and Risks
Course Description
This course focuses on assessing pressure ulcers and the related risks. Course content includes topics such as skin assessment, the Braden Risk Assessment Tool, and creating a pressure ulcer prevention plan of care.
Accreditation Information: KLA Education Services LLC is accredited by the State of California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP16145.
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Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the course participant will be able to:
- Describe the physiological aspects of skin, as the body’s largest organ.
- Identify 2 effects aging has on the skin.
- Examine the components of a skin assessment.
- Document a skin assessment.
- Define the term Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool.
- Discuss the criteria and answer choices in each section of the Braden Risk Assessment Tool.
- Develop preventative intervention choices based on answers in each section of the Braden Risk Assessment Tool.
- Create a pressure ulcer prevention plan of care.
- Define pressure ulcer.
- Describe the stages of pressure ulcers: Stage I, II, III, IV, Unstageable, and Suspected Deep Tissue Injury (DTI).
- Explain how to assess a pressure ulcer.
- Document a pressure ulcer assessment.
- Develop a pressure ulcer plan of care based on the risk assessment and the pressure ulcer assessment
Course Content
The Skin
Facts about skin
Largest organ of the body
Receives 2/3 of the body’s blood volume
Sheds and re-grows outer skin cells about every 27 days
Functions of the Skin
Protects from bacterial invasion
Protects against UV rays
Holds the body’s shape
Senses the environment
Maintains temperature
Prevents excessive loss of fluids and electrolytes
Skin Layers
The skin is made up of two layers with each layer performing specific functions. The layers are:
The epidermis is the thin outer layer of skin and consists of five layers:
Stratum corneum (horny layer)
Stratum lucidum (clear layer)
Stratum granulosum (granular layer)
Stratum spinosum (spiny layer)
Stratum germinativum (granular layer)
The dermis is the middle layer of the skin and contains:
Blood vessels
Lymph vessels
Hair follicles
Sweat glands
Collagen bundles
Underlying Structures
Underlying structures below the epidermis and dermis include:
Subcutaneous tissue
Subcutaneous Layer
Deepest layer of skin
Network of collagen and fat cells
Conserves body heat
Protects from injury
Shock absorber
White shiny appearance
Gives support to muscle fibers
Keeps muscles in bundles so they can function as a single unit
- The engine for the body’s movement
Support and protect internal organs
Provides the body’s structure and frame
Ligaments, Cartilage & Tendons
Connect bone to bone and muscle to bone
Protect bone to bone and muscle to bone
Aging and Skin
Sunlight is a major cause of skin changes often thought as aging changes. These include:
Age spots
Overtime the sun’s ultraviolet light damages the fibers in the skin called elastin. The breakdown of these fibers causes the skin to lose its ability to snap back after stretching. As a result, wrinkles form.
Wrinkles are especially pronounced in sun exposed areas.
Gravity also is at work, pulling the skin and causing it to sag, most noticeably on the face, neck and upper arms.
Dry Skin
Sebaceous glands produce less oil with aging
Men less significant
Women changes begin following menopause
Skin appears dry, rough, scaly
Skin appears translucent, thin and pale
Often “itchy”
Most dry on lower legs, elbows and forearms
Skin Trauma
Bruises – loss of fat and connective tissue weakens the support around blood vessels making them more susceptible to injury. Blood vessels of the dermis become more fragile, leading to bruising, bleeding under the skin (senile purpura) and cherry angiomas.
Skin Tears – more fragile skin, loss of support causes skin to tear easily and take longer to heal.
Skin Cancer
The most common type of cancer in the US
Affects 40 – 50% of Americans who live to age 65…then the % goes up!
UV radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer.
Other Changes
Sweat glands produce less sweat
Harder to keep cool
Increases the risk for becoming overheated or developing heat exhaustion or heat stroke
Growths such as skin tags, warts and blemishes are more common
Aging skin repairs itself more slowly
Wound healing may be up to 4 times slower than younger skin
Conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, lung disease, lowered immunity, chronic illnesses affect the skin and increase the potential for injury, decline and delayed healing.
Aging Skin Recap - Skin Assessment
General condition of the skin
Supple, moist, dry
Good, fair, poor
Thin, fragile, smooth, rough, scaled, leathery, fatty
Normal, pale, flushed, cyanotic
Presence of specific skin concern
Surgical site, trauma (skin tear, abrasion, bruise, senile purpura), clear blister, blood blister, venous ulcer, arterial ulcer, neuropathic ulcer, excoriation, perineal dermatitis, shear/friction, Kennedy ulcer, burn, cellulitis, pressure ulcer (and stage), other concerns.
Lower Extremities
Hair growth – present or absent
Pulses – present, diminished, absent
Temperature – cool, warm, different left to right
Edema – present, absent, amount
Appearance – normal, bronze color, pain/dusky, purple/red, flakey, scaled, distended veins, darker or discolored, other appearances
Conduct an abbreviated skin assessment on a fellow participant of exposed skin (face, neck, arms, lower legs) and document the assessment.
PU Risk Assessment
Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool – a tool that assists in identifying those patients/residents likely to develop a pressure ulcer. Through completing a pressure ulcer risk assessment, a predictable risk of developing a pressure ulcer is calculated, so the care giver can initiate interventions to minimize the potential of pressure ulcer development.
Most common tools – Braden Scale, Norton Scale
Braden Subscales
Sensory perception – ability to respond meaningfully to pressure related discomfort
Activity – degree of physical activity
Mobility – ability to change and control body position
Skin moisture – degree to which the skin is exposed to moisture
Nutritional intake – usual food intake pattern
Friction and shear – degree of exposure to friction and shear forces
Braden Tool
The subscales address the two primary etiologic factors of PU development:
Intensity and duration of pressure
Tissue tolerance for pressure
Sensory perception, mobility and activity address clinical situations that predispose a resident to intense and prolonged pressure.
Moisture, nutrition and friction/shear address clinical situations that alter tissue tolerance for pressure.
Rule of thumb – when the data is borderline, the lower level of care will be assigned
Sensory – decreased conscious state and decreased cutaneous sensation – lower of category is assigned
Moisture – consider the entire body surface in the control of moisture
Mobility and activity – if no motivation to change position or to sustain changes, then the lower of the category is assigned
Nutrition – the “usual” amount of intake is assessed
Friction and Shear – consider diseases, medications and devices that contribute to friction and shear and assign the lower of possible categories.
Braden Ranking
Numerical Score for each subsection
Total the scores
Lower the score, higher the risk of PU development
15 – 18 at risk
13 – 14 moderate risk
10 – 12 high risk
9 & below very high risk
Interventions to Risk Categories
Sensory – No limitation = 4
Teach resident to report pain/discomfort over bony prominences
Check heels
Sensory – slightly limited = 3
Skin assessment and inspection every shift
Off load heels
Minimize shear/friction forces
Avoid HOB elevated > 30 degrees
Chair cushions
Sensory – very limited = 2
Skin assessment and inspection every shift
Off load heels
Minimize shear/friction forces
Avoid HOB > 30 degrees
Turning schedules
Re-distribution mattress
Chair cushions and redistribution schedules
Sensory – completely limited = 1
All of the above
Pillows and positioning devices to minimize skin/skin contact
Medications to improve sensory – (treat neuropathy)
Control extreme temperature changes
Moisture – rarely moist = 4
Use lotions and moisturizers to prevent drying of the skin
Observe for cracks, abrasions, excoriations to the skin
Avoid drying products to the skin
Moisture – occasionally moist = 3
All of the above
Monitor under breast and appendages for moisture and maceration
Use moisture barriers in moisture prone areas of skin from perspiration and incontinence
Avoid hot water
Use mild soaps and soft wash cloths to minimize drying
Moisture – moist = 2
All of the above
Check incontinent briefs/pads frequently and change
Consider bowel and/or bladder training
Moisture – constantly moist = 1
All of the above
Use skin sealants to protect constantly moist skin
Consider external catheter and fecal containment
Consider low air loss or specialty bed
Increase hydration
Activity – walks frequently = 4
Involve in center activities
Check skin daily
Monitor balance, safety, endurance – interventions as necessary
Activity – walks occasionally = 3
All of the above
Walk and dine programs
Structured mobility program
Chair cushion
Center outings
Activity – chairfast = 2
All of the above
Skin checks every shift
Specialty chair cushion, drop seat to chair
Re-distribution schedule for sitting
Exercise program to promote circulation
Therapy involvement
Use of positioning devices and footrests
Activity – bedrest = 1
All of the above
Minimize HOB > 30 degrees
Heel off loading
Turning schedule
30 degree lateral turns
Specialty mattress
Avoid skin/skin contact
Mobility – no limitations = 4
Involve in center activities
Check skin daily
Monitor balance, safety, endurance – interventions as necessary
Assess and treat pain with movement
Mobility – slightly limited = 3
All of the above
Reposition/redistribute weight frequently
Teach frequent small shifts in body weight
Therapy involvement
Formal mobility maintenance programs
Mobility – very limited = 2
All of the above
Skin checks every shift
Turning schedule in bed and redistribution schedule when sitting
Off load heels
Consider specialty mattress
30 degree lateral turns
Mobility – completely immobile = 1
All of the above
Avoid skin/skin contact
Off load heels, elbows
Foot cradle
Formal ROM program
Nutrition – excellent = 4
Dining room for meals and/or out of bed for all meals
Provide food choices (likes and dislikes observed)
Monitor dietary intake and hydration intake
Assess nutritional lab status
Monitor weight for changes
Nutrition – adequate = 3
All of the above
RD assessment with interventions
Supplements as necessary
Monitor for changes in intake habits
Nutrition – probably inadequate = 2
All of the above
Protein, vitamin, mineral supplements based on RD assessment
Hydration program
Fortified meal plan and/or small frequent meals
Encourage family to bring favorite foods
Dining programs (red napkin program)
Nutrition – very poor = 1
All of the above
Protein supplementation
Skin assessments every shift
Speech therapy involvement
Consider alternative forms of nutrition
Consider appetite stimulants
Friction and Shear – no apparent problem = 3
Avoid wrinkles in bed/chair linens
Do not massage pressure points
Use of trapeze bar for bed mobility
Strengthening exercises for self positioning
Friction and Shear – potential problem = 2
All of the above
Protect friction prone skin with padding or transparent dressings (elbows, heels)
Avoid HOB > 30 degrees
Therapy to assess seating to minimize sliding
Assess skin every shift
Use lift sheets for turning
Friction and Shear – Problem = 1
All of the above
Formal ROM program
Therapy to improve trunk stability
Footrest on wheelchairs
30 degree lateral turns
Intervention to Risk Categories - General
In general, based on the total score and not the sub scores…
At Risk (15 – 18)
Turn, turn, turn
Maximal remobilization
Protect heels
Manage moisture, nutrition, friction/shear
Pressure redistribution surfaces for bed and chair
Moderate Risk (13 – 14)
All of the above
Turning schedule with 30 degree rule
High Risk (10 – 12)
All of the above
Increase the turning and redistribution frequency
Use of positioning devices to minimize pressure and friction/shear
Very High Risk (9 or below)
All of the above
Low air loss mattress
Address each subcategory independently
- If other major risk factors are present (advanced age, fever, diastolic blood pressure below 60, pulse oxygenation below 90) advance to the next more significant level of risk
Pressure Prevention Plan of Care
Create a care plan
At risk for pressure ulcer development
At _____ (risk, moderate, high, very high) risk for PU development secondary to _____ (sub category area(s) of concern)
The resident will for the next 90 days…
Maintain integrity of the skin as evidenced by:
Absence of skin breakdown
Adequate skin turgor
Absence of friction/shear
decreased risk for developing pressure ulcers as evidenced by:
Relief from source of pressure
Stimulation of circulation
Ingesting adequate food and fluids
Adequate hygiene
Moisture control
Maintenance or improvement in activity
Maintenance or improvement in mobility
Assess and monitor
Sensory awareness
Moisture control
Nutritional and hydration status
Evidence of friction and/or shear
Assess, monitor and treat pain
Assess, monitor and document skin assessments
Communicate abnormal, unusual or changes in skin assessments to the physician
Provide off loading, repositioning, redistributing devices based on resident specific need
Provide nutrition and hydration based on the comprehensive nutritional assessment
Avoid hot water, use mild soaps and cleansers for personal hygiene and bathing
Utilize moisturizers to skin
Utilize moisture barriers and skin sealants to areas of skin prone to excessive moisture
Avoid extreme temperature changes and dress resident appropriately for the temperature and humidity
Turn and reposition in bed based on resident need, but a standard of every 2 hours
Reposition and redistribute weight when sitting based on resident need, but a standard of every hour
Elicit a 30 degree turning program to reduce direct pressure over the trochanter, shoulder, elbow, ankle, and lateral side of the foot
Provide prompt incontinent care
Monitor and assess skin folds for excessive moisture
Utilize products to minimize sustained excessive moisture in skin folds
Avoid elevating the head of bed greater than 30 degrees
Utilize transfer sheets/lift sheets to move the resident in bed
“Gatch” the knee of the bed to minimize shearing forces when the HOB is elevated
Monitor and record nutrition and hydration intake
Provide nutritional supplements as ordered
Provide protein supplements as ordered
Provide mineral and vitamin supplements as ordered
Encourage hydration
Encourage activities and exercise to stimulate circulation
Provide active/passive range of motion
Engage therapy in functional training programs to attain/maintain physical function
Provide medication to promote circulation as ordered by the physician
Provide medication to treat neuropathy as ordered by the physician
Provide medication to treat anemia as ordered by the physican
Provide medications to manage diabetes as ordered by the physician
Course Description
Course Objectives
Course Content
- The Skin
- Functions of the Skin
- Skin Layers
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Underlying Structures
- Subcutaneous Layer
- Fascia
- Muscles
- Bones
- Ligaments, Cartilage & Tendons
- Aging and Skin
- Wrinkles
- Dry Skin
- Skin Trauma
- Skin Cancer
- Other Changes
- Healing
- Aging Skin Recap - Skin Assessment
- PU Risk Assessment
- Braden Subscales
- Braden Tool
- Braden Ranking
- Interventions to Risk Categories
- Intervention to Risk Categories - General
- Pressure Prevention Plan of Care
Course Exam
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